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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Summer Vacation

     YELLOW, HAILEY HERE! Anyways, many of us are excited for Summer vacation, myself  included. I'm sure many of you are excited for many different reasons, but my reason is that I might be going to the Netherlands to visit family. Many of you know that the Netherlands is in Europe, so I would have to travel overseas. In the Netherlands, there is a bridge called the 'Ecoduct'. Below is a picture of the bridge, and it's made for animals to safely cross the road.

The Ecoduct is located in the Netherlands.

     Since I was 5, I've always wanted to live in Europe. I have a PenPal in Oxford, and she said that it's very cold in England. She also said that it's sort-of expensive there. But I would still live there either way.


1 comment:

  1. OMG isn't Europe awesome? altho I like Austria and Italy a bit better. warmer there. and the food...
