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Thursday, March 14, 2013


Hello! Anyways,
Today was really funny in school because today is Pi Day (3.14) and I started singing 'Pi Day' to the tune of Rebecca Black's 'Friday'. Also, I turned into an Irishman because I was yelling at *cough* Mustachio *cough* and his friends at lunch. I also learned that talking in a Scottish accent scares Senior Mustachio. Finally, I learned to not trust my friend *cough* Dora *cough* when it comes to lunch time because she attempted to make me sit next to "someone" and failing horribly thanks to Maria and her Friend. I'm serious, Maria and Her Friend saved my life today. Anyway, enjoy this creepy picture and imagine it having a Scottish accent.

~Hailey: Queen Of Derpiness

1 comment:

  1. what the heck is that thing????????? I would poop out brix.
